We went to Christmas at the zoo with Jackson, Olivia, Aunt Suzi, Uncle Ernie, Wyatt, Cameron and Travis! It was Bella’s first trip to the zoo and she loved it! She couldn’t see enough lights as her eyes didn't shut the whole time we were there!
This year will be lots of fun as we will be filled with lots of “Bella’s First”
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Christmas 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas From Our Family to Yours....
Friday, December 22, 2006
Dear Santa,
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
12th Annual Chili Dinner

It started 12 years ago right after Tim and I started dating we got both of our families together at Tim’s apartment for Chili and to meet for the first time! Now it has become a wonderful tradition.
We take a couple hours out of all our hectic schedules and enjoy good company, lots of laughs and a pot of chili! (Sometimes it is hard for me to believe it has been 12 years that Tim and I have been together but others I can’t remember life without Tim and our families and that it has only been 12 years)
We are lucky that numerous times throughout the year we intertwine our family get together and look forward to being together! We have all become a part of each others families…..the more the merrier!This year all our traditions have become a little more special for Tim and I as we share them with Izabella for the first time!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Healthy Again!!!

14 weeks old today
Since Thursday night we have been battling the yucky stomach virus and no we didn’t eat at Olive Garden.(haha) Luckily daddy has been the only one that stayed healthy and took care of both of us! Our poor little Bella only ate 11oz on Friday she usually eats close to 30 oz a day….she was still smiling and talking away through the whole thing!
Saturday morning I woke up with it and was in bedor the bathroom all day! Sara came a took care of Izabella for us a few hours when Tim went to work and I got a little more rest!
We were very disappointed to miss our good friend Addison Leigh Reusser christening celebration but we didn’t want to pass the germs to anyone else! We hear it was a wonderful service and Addie looked beautiful in her dress that had been worn by her Aunt Mandy! Tim went to their open house and said it was a nice celebration and she was surrounded by lots of family and friends! We hope she always knows how blessed we feel to have her family in our lives and as such good friends!
Now that we are all healthy again, we looking forward to a busy week of Christmas celebrations!
Saturday morning I woke up with it and was in bedor the bathroom all day! Sara came a took care of Izabella for us a few hours when Tim went to work and I got a little more rest!
We were very disappointed to miss our good friend Addison Leigh Reusser christening celebration but we didn’t want to pass the germs to anyone else! We hear it was a wonderful service and Addie looked beautiful in her dress that had been worn by her Aunt Mandy! Tim went to their open house and said it was a nice celebration and she was surrounded by lots of family and friends! We hope she always knows how blessed we feel to have her family in our lives and as such good friends!
Now that we are all healthy again, we looking forward to a busy week of Christmas celebrations!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
3 Months

Once again Tim and I are amazed at how quickly the time has passed since Izabella has been born and how much she has changed in her short 3months of life! There are nights I put her down and I swear the next morning she looks different!
She has definitely found her little voice and is quite a talker! She is such a good baby and has a very sweet deposition, except when she is overly tired or hungry! She sometimes has a hard time giving up when she is tired in fear she might miss out on something but has learned to put herself to sleep on her own! She has found her hands and loves them in her mouth and moving them around in front of her face! I think we might have a thumb sucker like her daddy was on our hands!
We have a great schedule down now. She is a little night owl like Tim and I and doesn’t go to bed until 11pm but then sleep until 8:30 or 9:30. When she does get up in the morning she just talks in her crib until we get her and then wants her bottle and back to sleep for an hour! She takes about a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.
When she is awake she loves watching her baby Einstein, still playing with her belly time toy, her swing and since the Christmas tree has gone up she loves staring at the lights! Wyatt brought over his excersaucer for her to borrow and she is liking that now that is she is strong enough to hold her head up and support herself!
She has definitely found her little voice and is quite a talker! She is such a good baby and has a very sweet deposition, except when she is overly tired or hungry! She sometimes has a hard time giving up when she is tired in fear she might miss out on something but has learned to put herself to sleep on her own! She has found her hands and loves them in her mouth and moving them around in front of her face! I think we might have a thumb sucker like her daddy was on our hands!
We have a great schedule down now. She is a little night owl like Tim and I and doesn’t go to bed until 11pm but then sleep until 8:30 or 9:30. When she does get up in the morning she just talks in her crib until we get her and then wants her bottle and back to sleep for an hour! She takes about a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.
When she is awake she loves watching her baby Einstein, still playing with her belly time toy, her swing and since the Christmas tree has gone up she loves staring at the lights! Wyatt brought over his excersaucer for her to borrow and she is liking that now that is she is strong enough to hold her head up and support herself!
We are amazed at the constant joy Bella Raye brings to our lives! We know we have only begun this journey of parenthood but we look forward to each step! Each time I see Tim caring and loving her I fall in love with him all over again! She has made Tim and I better people and we have stronger and more loving relationship than we already had!
We are truly thankful for each moment we spend with her!
Chirstmas with the Stafford

Today we had lunch at my parents with my dad’s side of the family to celebrate Christmas! My dad is one of 9 children! I always loved the big family he came from and how we would go months without seeing one another but it was like no time had passed when we did get together! The older I get and now that I have my own family it makes me realize how blessed I am to have the family I do! Each family is unique with their sizes and traditions but especially at times like these....I am thankful for all the family and friends in our lives! My hope for Izabella is that she grows up knowing and realizing how much she is loved and the support she has in her family!
Chirstmas Brunch!

Saturday morning we had brunch at Tim’s Aunt Sharon and Uncle Butch’s house! It is fun to see family we don’t get to see often enough. We had a wonderful brunch with too much good food. Then it was time for the kids to open their gifts. It is so much fun to watch their excitement in their eyes as the tear into their packages! Wyatt kept saying “what else” as he was opened his presents! He will be so much fun this Christmas! Then we did our white elephant exchange with the adults it is fun to see who is going after what present and everyone’s method of trying to keep a gift they like or get rid of one they don’t! We finished the day playing some games! It was a great way to start off the Christmas Season!
Saturday, December 9, 2006

Bella Raye giggled for the first time today! It brought tears to our eyes and melted our heart to hear her sweet little laugh! We aren’t sure if it was her new Leap Frog maracas,Uncle Ernie being Silly, mommy acting like she was falling, or just a happy baby! She had everyone in tears as we were laughing so hard back at her! We look forward to many more giggles!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Life is Good!

Not only did we celebrate my 30th birthday weeks ago (a surprise party).... today has been a fun day of celebrating another year older, a new decade and kissing my twenties good-bye but welcoming my thirties with open arms!
I started out my day waking up to Bella's sweet voice talking in her crib telling mommy "Happy Birthday and I am ready for a bottle!" She is just precious when she wakes up and has a wonderful disposition! A very happy morning baby with sweet coos and great smiles!
Then we went to the wonderful Helios Tea Room with Rachel and Ann...a great lunch but we had even more fun shopping throughout the house! Too many goodies!
Tonight daddy got a babysitter (Aunt Suzi, Uncle Ernie and Cousin Wyatt) to watch Bella so we could enjoy a nice dinner at Marco's with some friends!
I couldn't imagine what else I could wish for as I blow out my 30 candles! I have a wonderful family, awesome friends, and a loving husband and now great daddy, but my favorite present this year came a little early, my baby girl!
I started out my day waking up to Bella's sweet voice talking in her crib telling mommy "Happy Birthday and I am ready for a bottle!" She is just precious when she wakes up and has a wonderful disposition! A very happy morning baby with sweet coos and great smiles!
Then we went to the wonderful Helios Tea Room with Rachel and Ann...a great lunch but we had even more fun shopping throughout the house! Too many goodies!
Tonight daddy got a babysitter (Aunt Suzi, Uncle Ernie and Cousin Wyatt) to watch Bella so we could enjoy a nice dinner at Marco's with some friends!
I couldn't imagine what else I could wish for as I blow out my 30 candles! I have a wonderful family, awesome friends, and a loving husband and now great daddy, but my favorite present this year came a little early, my baby girl!
Thank you for all the Happy Birthday wishes!
May everyone be so fortunate to have their happiness, health and love!Life is Good!
May everyone be so fortunate to have their happiness, health and love!Life is Good!
Saturday, December 2, 2006
27 Candles

What a wonderful day we had celebrating Rachel's birthday!
We went to Zionsville and shopped some of the unique
stores and enjoyed all the Christmas decorations and
activities they had going on! Izabella was a good little
trouper sleeping most of the afternoon while we shopped!
She has gotten use to the shopping routine!
The rest of our family joined us in the evening for a
yummy dinner at Valliaggio.
Happy 27th Birthday Rachel!!! May you have many more!!!
We went to Zionsville and shopped some of the unique
stores and enjoyed all the Christmas decorations and
activities they had going on! Izabella was a good little
trouper sleeping most of the afternoon while we shopped!
She has gotten use to the shopping routine!
The rest of our family joined us in the evening for a
yummy dinner at Valliaggio.
Happy 27th Birthday Rachel!!! May you have many more!!!
Friday, December 1, 2006
What A Week!!!

It has been a crazy, good and bittersweet week to say the least yet we all have survived! Settling down from Thanksgiving, Shopping until we dropped on Friday, Aunt Suzi Birthday, putting up the Christmas tree, Mommy going back to work, Daddy out of town and Aunt Rachel's birthday all in a week! Whoooo I am out of breath!
Yes, I returned to work Tuesday afternoon, I think Monday was worse than Tuesday with the anticipation of returning to work! I am lucky with my job there is flexibility in the days and times I work...I am going back and working 3-12 hour shifts a week from 3pm-3am and so far it has worked fine! Izabella is in very loving and caring hands as we are lucky to have lots of family and friends willing to help us for a few hours until Tim can get home from work.....selfishly I didn't want to give up my time with her! Aunt Rachel helped us Tuesday, Cathy and the kids helped Wednesday, and Sarah and Alex helped Friday until Grandma Stafford could pick her up for her first sleep over at their house. I know Bella will love it! I had some of my best times as a child at my grandparents house on Friday nigths too!
Tim is off to Tennessee for the weekend to cheer on the Colts to victory with our friends Doug, Jim and Scott! I know they will have lots of fun as this is the second year they have done it and they have already established some traditions!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Indian Summer

It has been beautiful in Indy for the last couple of days! It was in the mid 60's today! I could get use to weather like this every day!
We were cleaning off the deck today and Izabella was playing in her bouncy seat outside with us! I couldn't help but snap some shots of her. I thought she was too darn cute in her hooded sweater Aunt Rachel got her! Once again having too much fun dressing her!
Too many to count!

As I stood in line at the gas station to get my paper so after dinner we could check out all the deals we would have to get on Friday.... the man in front of me was buying bread, bologna, chips and cheese dip...it may have just been lunch for the next couple of days or it was his Thanksgiving dinner, which is fine! It just made me realize how many simple blessing we have each day and most of the time we don't even recognize or take for granted!
Tim and I are busy traveling back and forth between families for the holidays and sometimes it is a bit overwhelming but then I am reminded how lonely we would be if we didn't have the family and friends that keep our lives full of so much love and fun!
We started Thanksgiving at Tim's parents house with all of their family and friends and Izabella continued to meet some family she hadn't met yet. Then after our bellies were rested and we had enjoyed wonderful company we were off to my parents for another round of wonderful company and food!
I hope that Izabella is always surrounded by her family and friends and knows what a true blessing they are!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tim and I are busy traveling back and forth between families for the holidays and sometimes it is a bit overwhelming but then I am reminded how lonely we would be if we didn't have the family and friends that keep our lives full of so much love and fun!
We started Thanksgiving at Tim's parents house with all of their family and friends and Izabella continued to meet some family she hadn't met yet. Then after our bellies were rested and we had enjoyed wonderful company we were off to my parents for another round of wonderful company and food!
I hope that Izabella is always surrounded by her family and friends and knows what a true blessing they are!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Pretty in Pink

Told you I was having too much fun dressing her up! Check out the socks! The whole outfit was a gift from The Kirk's when she was born! Bella wore it to church today and then out to breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Stafford! Everyone stopped to say how cute the socks were!
On a side note....Izabella slept for 10 hours straight last night! We are keeping our fingers crossed for another night like that but aren't counting on anything!
Two Friends Already

Addie and Bella are too cute for words! They were both playing under Bella's favorite toy and they were even holding hands when we first put them down next to each other! I am are glad they already like each other because they would be forced to be friends with as much time as we spend with Addie's mommy and daddy! I can see them already running around as little girls and then teenagers! O MY! How much fun that so many of our friends are having babies and girls at that!! We are loving every minute!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
First Sleep Over

At 9 weeks old Bella had her first sleepover ! She had Olivia and Jackson Kirk (the kids I nannied for 8 years!) spend the night! We all had so much fun....Starbucks, pizza, junk food, movies, we made chocolate covered pretzel sticks and decorated them for Thanksgiving! Everyone was up until midnight and in my bed at 8am watching Sponge Bob! The Kirk kids are all so sweet to Bella and love her like she is their own....well more than their own I guess...as I love them! We are so lucky to have such a special relationship with all the Kirk's we are more a part of each others families and friends then employee and employer! I am looking forward to continuing to watch Abby, Olivia and Jackson grow as our family grows too! It was a GREAT Friday night!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
2 months and growing!!!

This has been a busy month! Izabella has changed a lot and is now
10lbs 8 oz and is 23 1/2 inches long!
For the last 10 days she has been sleeping in her crib and has slept from 11pm until 6:45 am.... she wakes up for a bottle and then is back to sleep until 10am! We love the almost 8 hours of consecutive sleep!
She started cooing a couple of weeks ago and we are getting numerous smiles a day! Her favorite thing to do right now is lay on her back and play with her tummy time toy. When she kicks at the toys they sing and light up! It is so much fun to watch her as she gets excited and starts kicking and moving! She also loves to admire the pretty baby in the mirror too!
We finally grew out of her newborn diapers and clothes so now each morning we have so many more options to choose from! Not that a girl can have too many clothes! Tim likes to say that once she was born her closet "puked pink" and we love it!!! I have so much fun dressing her up!
My favorite time with her is in the morning after she wakes up for the second time...she is in a great mood and as soon as I look over the crib and say "good morning" I get the biggest smiles! We play and read books until it is time to eat again!
Tim does most of the nightly duties and enjoys playing with her. Now he is also is doing her baths which she loves! His favorite spot still though is when she cuddles up on his chest and naps!
We couldn't have imagined all the joys we have felt over these last two months as we have become parents! It has been the best gift in the world! We know how truly blessed we are to have Izabella in our lives each day!
Happy Halloween!!!

We celebrated Halloween a couple of times! It started with a "Halloween Party" at our good friends The Reusser's where we went as Cowboy and Cowgirls! The party ended up being a 30th surprise party for me! They got me good since I won't be 30 until December 5th....it was a lot of fun and everyone went all out to
dress up!

Izabella was also a pea in the pod to join her good girlfriends Addison Leigh Reusser and Fallyn Rae Ranek so they were 3 peas in a pod!!! They were too cute!
Then on Halloween we started out at Grandma Stafford's office so everyone could meet her granddaughter! Grandma couldn't be more proud of Izabella so we think we met everyone in the office! Then we were off to daddy's office to celebrate in their Halloween pitch-in and see daddy's colleagues.
Halloween night we trick or treated with the Kirk kids and had our annual chili supper with them!
Lots of fun for a little cowgirl!
1 Month!!!

Today we had Bella's 1 month appointment with Dr Layman! She is growing just as she should be! She weighed 8lbs 9oz which puts her in the 40%. She was 22 1/2 inches long were she fell into the 95%....looks like she might be tall like her daddy! Dr said it looked like we were doing everything right and she looked perfect!Although she is growing we are still wearing mostly newborn clothes. Her waist isn't quite big enough to hold her clothes up. We can't wait to wear all the clothes in her closet!For the last 3 nights she has had a 5 hour stretch between her feedings....we hope this continues!
Izabella Raye Maines

Our Little Girl Has Arrived!
After nine months of patiently waiting we have a GIRL
and couldn't be more excited and overwhelmed by the instant love we have for her!
After 17 hours of labor and 2 1/2 hours of pushing Dr Box and our nurse Jean Milbee helped our family bring our daughter into the world!
She was born on September 10th at 7:44pm.
Izabella weighed 7.0lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long. She was born with big blue eyes, a full head of brown hair, long legs, fingers and toes!
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