Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Double Digits!!!

Bella Raye is 10 months old today!!!!

She has learned to make messes

and bigger messes!!! She pulls her baskets of toys out by herself!

No matter what it is she loves to dump everything out and explore it all!!!
She loves her books!

She is pulling herself on everything she can!
Crawling here and there

As you can tell Peyton is trying to help me keep an eye on her!!!
HOLY COW!!!! Where is the time going?
This has been quite a busy month for all us and speaking of busy that is exactly what Bella Raye is these days! She is making it very hard to get anything else done but be with her because she is on the go and into everything! I have had lots of fun just sitting back and watching her explore and discover new things! She is having lots of fun too! Right after she turned 9 months old she started crawling backwards and would get stuck and frustrated that she couldn't figure out how to move forward. Then she got it a couple weeks ago but didn't start the crawling where ever she wanted until last weekend! We really need to get our house baby proof...it is a daily chore right now! She loves all the trash cans so they are on top of things right now.
She says mama, dada and baba.
She still is a great sleeper goes down around 9pm and isn't up until 9am. Still takes 2 - 2 hour naps a day but I am thinking about trying to combine that into one big afternoon nap soon!
Eating is becoming more of a chore for us. I can't get her to eat baby food but she isn't picking on the people food we give her just wants to be Miss Independent so it is hard to measure how much she is getting! Down to taking 3 bottles a day and drinks juice from her cup with her meals. We do enjoy taking her out to eat and ordering things off the menu for her. Last weekend we did pancakes from Bob Evans without butter or syrup and at Qdoba she had a little cheese quesadilla with guacamole and black beans.
As always we are having tons of fun and loving every minute!


Amy and Scott said...

Happy 10 month birthday Bella! I can't believe how big you are. We have loved watching you grow - can't wait to see you crawling around on Thursday!

The Ranek Family said...

You are getting so big Miss Bella. We can't wait to see you at play group!