We had front row seats as Tombi got her daily bath!
Amber and I were amazed by some of the elephant facts and the girls enjoyed just watching! Baby Kedar rolling around in the dirt! What a cutie...
Let's Take a break and ride the train!
Next stop... Petting the sharks! Bella wasn't too sure about the whole thing.
Would rather just look at the pictures.
Baby Marice had fun playing with all the kids at the glass!
The brown bear was actually up and moving!
This is what Bella Raye looked like before we pulled out of the zoo. She had a day full of fun with Fallyn! They were wonderful little girls for our 3 hour zoo trip on not much of a morning nap! It was lots of fun and we hope to get a few more zoo trips in before winter! We sure have enjoyed our zoo pass that Grandma and Papaw M got us for Christmas last year! Thank you!!!
Also Bella had a extended play date with Fallyn on Monday while mommy and daddy were at work! "Auntie" Amber kept them busy! Luckily they napped at the same time! Check out their blog for some fun pics! (click on Amber's name to see)
THANK YOU for helping us out Monday!!!!
We are so bummed that we missed all of the fun at the Zoo! You guys look like you had a great time and the weather was perfect! Maybe next time! So glad you guys had a great time!!!
We can't wait to do it again! We had a greate time:)
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