Sunday, December 2, 2007

Birthday Sisters....

For 28 years Rachel and I have celebrated our birthdays if not on the same day right around the same time! Sometimes we had our on very indivilized parties and sometimes we shared outings. We are 3 days from being 3 years apart! I still remember Rachel coming home on my 3rd birthday when my Aunt Beth and Grandma still threw my Kermit the Frog party for me with all the little neighbor friends over! I was so proud of my little birthday gift as each guest would come in I would ask them if they wanted to see my new baby sister! To this day I am still so proud to call Rachel my sister...she is a true gift to our family!
Tonight we celebrated our birthday as mom made one of our favorite meals: Chicken & Noodles and Carrot Mashed Potatoes ( A Great Grandma Hop Recipe) Then we had a wonderfully rich and beautiful red velvet cake! It was such a nice night to just share with my family!
Thanks mom and dad for a great birthday dinner and Rachel for being a wonderful sister to share the evening with!
Happy Birthday, Sister! I love you!

1 comment:

Amy and Scott said...

Sisters are so much fun! Glad you two are able share your birthdays with one another. We wish you all the best!