Friday, March 14, 2008

18 months....

Izabella turned 1 1/2 on Monday so I am a few days late with the post but I thought I'd wait for the Dr appt before I made the post! We can't believe how quickly the last 18months have gone by! Izabella is so much fun and becoming quite an independent little lady....which can cause some trouble at times because she wants to be big enough to do it all on her own!
What she does....
Her favorites: being outside, taking baths,reading, watching Barney & Elmo, playing kitchen, taking care of her babies, talking on the phone. She has more of an imagination daily! Amazing Tim and I about what she understands sometimes scary how she mimics us.
Her vocabulary is coming along! Dr Layman said today that she is right on where most kids her age are. I have been meaning to make a list of all she says and forget . We think she sings more than she talks! She LOVES to sing!!! Daddy's genes are definitely coming through in the musical department!!
She knows many of her body parts: eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, mouth, ears, head, hair, button (belly), shoulder, knees, and toes (aka piggies)
Knows what lots of animals say the duck still being her favorite by far!
She has 16 teeth.
She is 33 1/2 inches tall (95 percentile) growth of 2 inches in 3 months. She weighs 21lbs 3 oz (10th percentile) growth of 1lb 3oz.
Her head is 18 3/4 cm (85th percentile)
Although her weight doesn't show it she is a great eater and not very picky, she likes to have variety that is for sure! She feeds herself most of the time unless we are in a hurry or it is something that she will have more on her than in her mouth. She goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps 12 hours a night and takes anywhere from an 1 1/2 - 3 hour nap in the afternoon.
All in all healthy happy child that we feel truly blessed beyonds means to call our daughter!


Angie said...

Okay, my first jealousy is the 12-hour sleep with the 3-hour nap!!

Bella is such a joy, and it's great to read the recap of all of her favorite things. Sounds like she's one happy little girl, which can be credited to two great parents!

The Ranek Family said...

Glad to hear you are doing so well Bella...even though I really already knew:) We are having so much fun seeing you girls grow up together and it just keeps getting better and better!