Monday, February 21, 2011

Traders Point Creamery Outing

Our MOPS outing to Traders Point Creamery for a tour of the farm and to milk the cows! Bella woke up saying, "I am ready to milk the cow!"

It was a raining, chilly, muddy...yucky day!! We made the best of it and bundled up for the tour. It was well worth it!
Here they are learning how they bottle the yogurt and milk. I was amazed at how much Bella took in about the process, because at dinner she was telling Tim exactly how they did it. Another interesting fact...all cows are born with horns not just males/bulls. Most farm cut them off when they are born but Traders Point is an organic farm and cutting horns off could cause infection. Then they'd have to give the cows antibiotics and in return the cow would not be "organic" after that.

They milk 50-80 of their 200 cows a twice a day.
Bella's turn to try it out, Lucy, the cow. Lucy was a trooper letting all these little ones milk her.

At the end of the tour we all got to enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate from the brown cow!!!hehe YUM!!!

Even a little wet, it was a great day on the farm!!!

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