Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Chow Time

Bella Raye had cereal for the first time tonight and loved it! We couldn't believe how quickly she caught on to the spoon and swallowing. Also how much she enjoyed it! She was laughing at the end as if she was so proud of herself for doing something new! Although we will have to be investing in some more big bibs soon!
It was a lot of fun for Tim and I to feed her tonight! Another first for Bella and us! It seems like each milestone is bittersweet….we are thrilled that she is developing, growing, and learning new tricks but hate that our baby is changing so quickly right in front of our eyes!
I have said this before but we truly love every second of parenthood and are thrilled we get to share so much time with our precious Bella Raye!
She is becoming such a big girl!

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