Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun at the Indiana State Fair....

Wednesday we met Suzi, Ernie, Wyatt and Cameron at the fair!
Family pic
We ran into the Kirk's!
It was a FUN night to get away and have lots of fun!!!


Look at that turkey leg!
Snow Cone
Yummy corn!!!

Can you ever eat enough junk at the fair??? Pork sandwich, corn dogs, lamb kabobs, ribeye sandwich, corn dog, lemon shake ups, elephant ears! I think we spent what we'd spend at a nice restaurant! Owell only one time a year!!!


Excited about the piggies!
Feeding time...poor mama pig!
Bella running to see what is at the next barn!

She loved the animals!
Bella loved petting the horses!
Wyatt and this horse were only 3 days apart!


She loved the carousal or horsies as she called them!
Wyatt loved the trucks
She wasn't so sure about the bees...
Papaw M would be proud!
Alli won the race...Bella got right up ready to go again!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Looks like a great evening at the fair! I love all the food there, too!