Sunday, June 22, 2014

Prayer Blanket Sign Up

  Friends and Family~
Bella's 1st of 4 surgeries on her ear is June 27th.

This is something we have learned and prepared for over the last 7 years yet as it near closer I am not sure a parents heart are ever completely ready. Knowing that Bella is covered with prayers during her surgery will help us all know she's in good hands!

This surgery will last about 6hrs at Riley Hospital. They will do a rib graft to start to "create" an ear. Unfortunately this will be pretty painful. We are very hopeful with a nerve block and pain pump we will be able to keep her pain under control.
If you are would like to be a part of Bella's prayer "Blanket"please let us know what time slot/slots you'd like to cover Bella with.
Attached is our "blanket" full of times! Please fill free to share as we have lots of slots to fill!

Our family is so grateful for you being a blessing and covering our sweet Bella with prayers during her surgery!

Tim, Allison and Bella

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