Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Morning...

Izabella slept in until 9:30, then we all snuggled in bed with her while she had her milk sippy. We had to remind her that Santa had come and left some presents and then she went running down the hall, although Tim and I were able to get in front of her to get video and pictures...
Checking out her new Little People Castle, she loves the dragon that goes with it.
Opening more presents...
Trying out her new tricycle...
And she is off on her tricycle!!!
After presents I started cinnamon rolls, Tim started is famous and healthy biscuits and gravy to take to my parents later and Bella got busy playing with her new stuff! We watched the Disney Christmas parade too.
It was a nice relaxing morning until we went to my parents for brunch and Christmas!

1 comment:

TheGambleFamily said...

What nice gifts you got Bella!!!I like the cool princess castle!!!