Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Say a little prayer...

Saturday Bella gathered her babies and animals around and then they said a prayer!
It was too cute...luckily my camera was close so I had to snap a picture!
My prayer is... that she gets well and stays well soon! 2 weeks ago she had strep throat and was on Amoxicillin for 10 days and this weekend started running a fever again! We are on Zithromycin now...I hate giving her so many antibiotics but gotta get her well! Amazingly she is acting great if it wasn't for the fever you wouldn't know she was sick! She has been fever free for nearly 2 days so hopefully the Zithomycin is doing the trick!


Katherine said...

What a sweet girl!!

The Stucks said...

Hope you are on the mend, Bells :)