Saturday, September 10, 2011

5 years old!!!

Our "Little" Girl is 5!!!

Dear Izabella~ We can't believe that you are 5 today. Time has gone so quickly!!!! You are such a joy, always singing and dancing around and making us laugh! You are too sweet and still you love to snuggle up with us, which we love!!! You have a HUGE imagination and love playing with your Babies: Gracie, Kate and Tyler, Barbie's, and Littlest Pet Shops just to name a few of your favorites. You have a strong, independent personality and know what you do and don't want!

God gave us the biggest blessing on the day you were born and you've filled our heart with more love than we could of imagined!

We hope that you continue to dream big, love, dance, be independent and stand up for what you want!!! Know that you can do anything your heart desires with hard work, faith and love! Also that we will always be here to love, support, pray and guide you!!!

Happy 5th Birthday, Izabella Raye!!!

Much love always!!!
Mommy & Daddy

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