Monday, October 1, 2007

Thank you...

Last Monday we started a new schedule. I am working every Monday and Wednesday. When I am working Bella will be going to Mrs Jenny's house. It seems to be a perfect fit for us and Bella did great with it! She has one other child she is watching and a daughter who is 3 months older than Bella! It is more of a play date twice a week.
I then will work every other Saturday and Sunday where I tried out day shift last weekend! We will see what hours I end up working! I am thankful I have a job that I can play around with my schedule until we find something that works!
Bella spent most of Saturday with Daddy and then went to spend the night with Grandma and Papaw M. They went to Aunt Suzi's for dinner so yet another night to play with her cousin, Wyatt!
Thank you for taking care of her for us!!!

I wish this picture had turn out not so blurry because Bella has the cutest and biggest smile!
I still had to post it!
Sunday Tim and Jim went to the Colts game where yes The Blue
won again!!! Bella and Grandma M stayed home and watch the game, Bella napped and mommy worked. We all met at Outback for dinner afterwards! Yummy!
When Bella was away Saturday she started saying Eee, Iiii, , Eii, Iiii...Ohhh when singing Old McDonald. Too Cute!

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