Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dinner in the Tub....

Leave it to only Indiana weather!!!
We had just sat down for dinner and we heard the Tornado Sirens go off! We were a bit confused??? End of January and there is a tornado warning? Sure enough we turned the TV on and they are telling us to take shelter immediately! Before kids...Tim and I would of listened to the warning and kept a watchful eye out but continue to eat dinner. Now we all piled in the only room in our house that is safe the hall bathroom...which is TINY and continued to our eat dinner. We put Bella in the tub with no water and her clothes on and fed her off of our plates. When dinner was done we stripped her down and gave her a bath! Thank goodness the warning was over by the time we were done with her bath and we didn't have to stay in there for long!
Another thing to add to the list when we are house shopping....basement so we have room to spread out during bad weather!!!!


The Ranek Family said...

Glad to hear all was safe there! It took us longer to gather up things to take to the basement than the time I spent in the basement. But it is funny how your thinking changes once there is a little one in the picture:)

Amy and Scott said...

Hopefully you won't be eating in your tub again soon, but I bet Bella thought it was kind of fun. Whatever it takes to keep them safe right?!

reusserfamily said...

Scary weather stinks, but this is a great story to tell Bella some day. Great job of making the best of a bad situation!