Sunday, April 13, 2008

What they do best....

SPOIL ME grandparents!!!!
Friday and Saturday night Bella spent the night with Grammy J, Papaw and Aunt Rachel! She had lots of fun as always but since Saturday was too cold to go outside they took an outing to our favorite store...Target! Yes, Bella raked in the goods...a new chair just her size, new crayons, new Elmo video and an Elmo bath toy too!
What a lucky girl!
Thank you for so much fun Grammy J, Papaw and Aunt Rachel!!!
I love you sooo much!!!!

PS How lucky Tim and I too to have such wonderful parents, family and friends who are more than willing to help us out! Thank you! We love you!

1 comment:

The Ranek Family said...

Way to work it Bella:) Although I am sure it doesn't take much!