Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cousin Fun....

Are they cute or what?!?!?!
They have so much fun with each other! Bella is instantly in a good mood when she sees her cousin Wyatt! Their giggles are addicting!
After breakfast they came back over to our house and Wyatt and Bella got to play the rest of the day!
What a treat and how special that they love each other sooooo much!


Susan said...

Awww...that picture is so sweet. I'm so glad that you keep up with your blog...(that's a hint for Suzi) I can see pics of the kids growing. Have a great week!!

:-) Susan

~natalie said...

what a great pic of the kids. sounds like you guys have a had a busy week full of friends and famiy. we're so glad. those are the best kind of weeks. =) we love ya!