Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Indiana Weather.....

Today it was only 38 degrees outside and there were snow flurries!!!
Thank goodness I hadn't cleaned out Bella's closet yet and I still had some warm clothes to put on her!
We haven't had her warm "Bundle Me" fleece in her car seat for a month but it went back it today!
She is spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa Stafford tonight since I have to work and Grandma was on Spring Break! We know she will have lots of fun and probably get a little spoiled too!
Tim said he didn't know what to do without his girls home...I had many options for him...laundry, dishes and so forth....he is such a good husband and he did them!
Yesterday it was 70 degrees and we had some bad thunderstorms in the afternoon.
Bella was in a cute Spring outfit when we out to dinner!
Leave it to Indiana Weather!

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