Saturday, May 5, 2007

Addie & Bella

They loved playing with the stacking cups!!
Look, are we cute or what???
Here look at how this works!
How adorable is Addie and look at those BEAUTIFUL big blue eyes! Addie was all smiles for the camera and Bella wouldn't look at the camera.
It was such a joy to have Addie over for an hour before the game yesterday! I was amazed that within a few weeks how much more Addie and Bella were interacting with each other! It was so much fun to just sit back and watch them play! They both wanted what the other had! What fun lies ahead as all our kiddos grow up together!

1 comment:

reusserfamily said...

Thanks again for taking care of Addie. It means a lot to always have each other's support. We are all so lucky to have our circle of friends. These two are headed for some good times growing up together. Can you send me the jpeg? Thanks - Angie