Friday, May 4, 2007

Funny Friday!

My Extended Trailblazer was FULL of flowers!!!
Sweet Emily

Precious Claire

It was a fun Friday...we started the morning out early with picking up the flowers with Sarah that I had ordered from Carmel Elementary School fundraiser! These are the best geraniums I have ever bought! Then it was a quick visit to Grammy J's office and then off to lunch with the twins and Amy!
I can't believe how much they have change in a month...yes it has been almost a month since I have seen them! They have filled out so much! Becoming lots stronger with their heads. They have beautiful blue eyes! Emily and Bella watched Einstein when the mommies at lunch. Little Miss Claire slept the whole time we were there! It was great to see Amy and the girls again!

We dropped off Sarah and then headed home for a nap and I started to plant all the flowers I bought!

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