Sunday, June 10, 2007


"Yummy...Look at my Nilla Wafers!"

I love Watermelon Too!!!
Molli gave me this beer bottle at the race party and I liked the cold bottle on my gums!

This month has been full of new taste for Bella Raye! I think she has liked it all! If it was up to her she would probably be totally done with baby food and eating all table food but I like knowing exactly what she is eating! She gets so excited when big girl food is on her tray. Thursday night she had diced fruit, cheese cubes, pasta shells and yes the dreaded and gross meat sticks BUT she loved them! She does quite well with picking the food up with her fingers and feeding herself.
As far as her mobility...she can get where ever she wants by rolling and scooting... she gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth and then just laughs and flops on her belly! We have caught a couple of times trying to pull herself up on things.
She says "baba" all the time...ironically when it is time for her to eat and/or when she is tired she say it is with a lot more emotion behind it so we aren't sure if it is purposeful or not. A few times she has said "mama".
She has clapping mastered and is getting there with waving.
She still loves being in her jumparoo, being read too, playing on the floor with all her toys and watching Einstein. She has discovered her music table again and has lots of fun with that. Her new favorite thing is to empty her toy baskets and spread it all out to see what her options are. She also loves to be in the water at the pool.
It is sure hard to believe that she is 9 months old! Tim and I continue to have more and more fun with her!

1 comment:

The Ranek Family said...

My, my... What a big girl! We can't wait to play again on Thursday!