Monday, June 4, 2007

Girls Night Out

"Yeah, my friend Addie came over to play with me for a little bit!!!"

Playing with Grammy J
and Papaw Stafford on Friday night!!!

We decided to hang around the house Friday and do a whole lot of nothing! It was perfect!
Then Angie and Addie came over so the girls could play for awhile and we went strolling in the ripple and to dinner! We hadn't seen Addie in almost a month so it was fun to sit and watch the girls play while we chatted! Addie was a riot all night with this new "cheese" face she did every time a camera came out! She had Angie and I in stitches! Angie said this was a new face she had not was too cute!
Then I must of had SUCKER or IDIOT written across my forehead because it would of been a perfect weekend with 5 days off from work but NO I signed up for overtime from 11p-7am on Friday night! Luckily my mom and dad were more than willing to help out with Bella Raye for the night! So I toted her over to their house around 9pm and then she was so excited she was there she didn't go to sleep until 11pm.
Mom brought her home around noon and then my mom and I ran out and ate lunch at Petite' Chou new french bakery/cafe in Broadripple! It was wonderful!

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