Saturday, February 24, 2007

Checking In

There is no love like a grandparents love!
Grandma and Grandpa Stafford came to check in on their Bella Raye and give her some extra "sugar"in hopes that it would help her feel better! She did have a better evening and I think we are on our way to having a healthy baby again! She still wasn't interested in her baby food but she did take a couple bottles!
Bella showing Grandma how the book works! Izabella really enjoys being read too!All the Maines kids were worn out after their visit. Peyton was the only one that could manage to hold his head up for the picture. As you can tell both Zoe and Peyton love to be right next to Bella Raye. She has started to pay a lot more attention to them. Tonight when Zoe was next to her she was touching Zoe's was very cute!

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