Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Birthday Day....

Another Day Of Celebrating...HOORAY!!!
I am really getting use to this!!!

We started out the morning after with returning the moonwalk to the party store and picking up our doggies! Bella loves when they ride in the van with her!
THANK you to the Reussers for keeping Zoe for us and the Kirks for watching Peyton for us this weekend! It was a huge help!!!
Now for the real fun....Grammy J took the day off work so we could play! We started out with lunch where Bella and mommy shared a smoothie! Bella's new favorite and some grilled cheese with fruit!
Then we took her to Penney's so we could get some actual pictures of her on her 1st Birthday! We also bought a small cake that she dug into and got everywhere at the end of the photo shoot, it was hilarious to watch and she had lots of fun doing it!
Then we were off to visit Great Grandma where she had a lucky dollar for her and a beautiful dress that will probably be her Easter dress next year!
It was a day full of girl fun!
When we got home at nearly 5pm Bella hadn't napped for the day so Grammy J rocked her to sleep so she could get some rest in before her birthday dinner!
Tim and I both grew up getting to pick our Birthday dinner out so this will be a tradition we carry on with our children! We took her to the new Pizza King around the corner from our house and she loved the pizza. She also was big flirt with all the pizza guys! Then had to go to Dairy Queen for a Birthday treat, a small cup of vanilla ice cream. She had just as much fun hitting together the 2 plastic spoons as she did eating her ice cream.
Once we got home she as rocked to sleep...and we kissed our little one year old goodnight! WOW...she really is one...it is so hard to believe!
We hope it was a wonderful first birthday for our little girl!!!

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